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3 Powerful Tips to Teacher Burnout Free in 2023 (Ep. 33)

Jan 03, 2023

Are you worried that teaching is becoming the road to burnout no matter what you do? With this being a brand new year, teachers often want to make big changes to their lives to avoid this and hey, that's exactly what I am here for! To help you prevent and recover from teacher burnout and make teaching a sustainable career for you.

Does this sound like you? Worried about what to do the first week back to school? Feeling already like anxiety is creeping in because break is over and it's time to return to the real world (aka your classroom)?

Let's make 2023 Teacher Burnout Free! To do that, we have to recognize our capability for burnout recovery and address the underlying causes of feeling overwhelmed. It isn't enough to rely on winter break or summer vacation as a magic cure-all; true change requires proactive work.

From nervous system regulation to transition rituals, you'll leave this episode with actionable steps you can take to create a Burnout Free 2023 so you can stop overworking, live your life, and get back to liking your job again.



  • Community Announcement
  • Why intention is the most important part to maintaining burnout recovery in 2023
  • What happens to our nervous systems after teacher holidays/breaks
  • Solutions to Fight or Flight from Break
    • 3 Ways to Regulate Your Stress Response during this time
  • The Importance of Transition Rituals
    • 4 Practical but Powerful Transition Rituals to Help You Go from On-Off Mode
  • The importance of taking it slow: The benefits of easing back into routine
    • Things to do in your classroom that allow you and your students to ease back into routine
  • Watch The Resilient Teacher Community Exclusive Vision Planning Party Replay
  • Recap: Use all 3 to Be Teacher Burnout Free in 2023
@msprincessteach #stitch with @elementary_with_msmurray teachers experience high levels of stress addiction. I talk more about it on Ep. 20 of The Resilient Teacher P🅾️DC@ST! Learn more here: @msprincessteach #teacherburnout #teacherstress #teacherbreak #teachersoftiktok #teachermentalhealth #overwhelmedteacher #teacherssupportteachers #teachertired ♬ original sound - Brittany• Teacher Burnout Tips








The Resilient Teacher Podcast is the show that will give overwhelmed educators the support, tools, and mindset to reduce teacher burnout and keep teaching sustainable. Each week, Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed. & her guests will share inspiration and actionable steps to avoid or recover from the dreaded teacher burnout. You'll be inspired to individualize self-care and learn to prioritize your well-being and mental health, all while making a bigger impact on your classrooms and community.



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And if you are feeling extra amazing, I would be super grateful if you would leave a review on iTunes, too!  Those reviews help other educators who are burned out and needing support find the podcast, and I love shouting you out on the Community Reviewer of the Week Segment!  Just click here to review, select "Ratings & Reviews" and "Write a Review" and share what you are loving about the podcast!  

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