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Why Summer Break is Not Going to Get You Out of Teacher Burnout (Ep 3 - Summer Burnout Recovery Series)

Jun 28, 2022
episode 3 show notes header

If you are a veteran teacher, maybe you’re used this song and dance.  You’ve finally made it, you can breathe.  Maybe you are already anticipating school returning in the fall - only 48 days until school starts back.  Maybe you’re a brand new teacher and you feel like you can rest again and you’ll return back to school in the fall ready to conquer.  Either way, there’s a huge misconception that summer break is just going to magically get you out of burnout.  Episode 3 kicks off the Summer Self-Care to Burnout Recovery series and we’re going to break down everything you can do this summer to get you out of the stress cycle and into balance once and for all.

Don’t forget about our giveaway! To celebrate the launch of this podcast, I am giving away two prizes to two winners. To enter, simply write a review on Apple Podcasts. Then, screenshot your review and send it to me on Instagram @teachingmindbodyandsoul or via email at [email protected]. The prizes are:

  1. An Amazon Gift Card (to use to clear your Amazon Teacher Wishlist or splurge on yourself)
  2. 60 minute Resilience Strategy session with me (valued at $197)


  • Why Summer Alone is not going to get you out of burnout
  • Psychologically what happens in our brains during high stress
  • What actually happens when our bodies are in a constant state of stress
  • Summer is our TOOL
  • The first step in developing a plan for our burnout recovery 
  • The actionable step you can take that will only take you 15 minutes




The Resilient Teacher Podcast is the show that will give overwhelmed educators the support, tools, and mindset to reduce teacher burnout and keep teaching sustainable. Each week, Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed. & her guests will share inspiration and actionable steps to avoid or recover from the dreaded teacher burnout. You'll be inspired to individualize self-care and learn to prioritize your well-being and mental health, all while making a bigger impact on your classrooms and community.

Get Your Personalized Roadmap to Burnout Recovery

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