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Transforming Teacher Burnout: From Leaving the Classroom to Rediscovering Fulfillment with Special Guest Amber Harper

Apr 18, 2023


Is it that time of the year to sign your teaching contract and you just don't know what to do? You are confused thinking how much you loved teaching, but now it just doesn't seem feasible. Maybe you wonder if you've reached the point of no return. I get it. And while I love supporting teachers in reigniting their passion for teaching, I love supporting teachers in recovery from burnout even more. That means, I'm never going to tell you to stay in a profession if you are ready to hang up the towel. I want to help you recover from burnout - however that looks for you. And I realize that some teachers may not want to stay in it longterm and that's perfectly fine! Actually, I recommend exploring your options so that you can bring passion and joy back into your life.

That's why I am interviewing my good friend Amber Harper, who you might know as The Burned In Teacher in today's episode because she's done just that. She left teaching. Not once but TWICE. In this episode, we are going to ask her the biggest questions around what made her leave, what on earth made her go back, and how she went from burned out to burned in.

Amber Harper is a long-time educator, author, speaker, and podcaster. She’s the founder of and author of Hacking Teacher Burnout which gives struggling teachers a path to follow as they navigate their way out of burnout. Amber is a Teacher Burnout Coach working with educators to help them grow through their burnout and take their next, best steps toward what they want from their career in education and in life.


  • Amber Harper's Journey from Burned Out to Burned In
  • How Amber left the classroom not once but twice and RETURNED
  • What made her return to the classroom after burnout?
  • Finding fulfillment in a new environment
  • Questions To Ask Yourself if you think you might want to leave the classroom
  • Giving teachers the permission to explore change
  • Creating alignment in your choices to transition or transform your career
  • Addressing mindset trap that is keeping you stuck or paralyzed in exploring change
  • 3 Boundaries to set Before Busting Out of Teaching
  • Using a Time Budget to Set Time Boundaries
  •  How your time budget can support you in exploring change inside AND outside of the classroom
  • Where to learn more from Amber and how to get in touch








The Resilient Teacher Podcast is the show that will give overwhelmed educators the support, tools, and mindset to reduce teacher burnout and keep teaching sustainable. Each week, Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed. & her guests will share inspiration and actionable steps to avoid or recover from the dreaded teacher burnout. You'll be inspired to individualize self-care and learn to prioritize your well-being and mental health, all while making a bigger impact on your classrooms and community.



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