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Prioritizing Mental Health: How Therapy Can Benefit Teachers Experiencing Burnout

May 02, 2023

Have you hit that point of burnout where you're wondering if it's time to head to the therapist office?  Maybe the idea of therapy is scary to you and you just don't know what to expect?  I know that when I first set foot in a therapist's office, I was terrified and I knew I just wanted to get help but wasn't sure what exactly to expect.  You've probably been there before too and I want you to know that getting help from a licensed professional is not something to be ashamed of.  It's understandable to feel nervous or apprehensive about seeking help from a therapist, but it's important to recognize that therapy can be an incredibly powerful tool in managing burnout and prioritizing your mental health.

In this episode, we dive into Clare's story of teacher burnout across seas, how she went from teacher to therapist and discuss topics such as the root causes of teacher burnout, the transformative power of hypnotherapy, and practical tips for finding the right therapist or practitioner for you. We also explore the symptoms of burnout that therapy can help address and provide a quick exercise to calm your nervous system right now.

Clare was an Early Years teacher for 20 years.  She initially taught in the UK, then in the Middle East.  She suffered with chronic anxiety for years, until a family crisis pushed her over the edge and she suffered from teacher burnout. Quickly followed by a health scare.  After resigning in 2020, with no clear idea of what she was going to do, apart from to try to regain her health, she realized her high stress levels had contributed to her health crisis and this led her to train to be a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist and Mindfulness Coach.  She actually used all the skills she learned on herself first!  She is now happy and healthy, and supports and teaches others how to transform their mental and physical health and well-being through her signature 1:1 program, “The Shift”.


  • How Clare went from classroom teacher to hypnotherapist
  • How Teacher Burnout is Not an American Issue but a Worldwide Teacher Issue
  • Clare's journey through burnout
  • What is hypnotherapy and how can it support teachers in burnout?
  • How hypnotherapy is not woo-woo and is a tool for transforming limiting beliefs and mindsets
  • What a typical therapy session is like for teachers
  • Therapy helps but it's all about the action
  • How hypnotherapy supports teacher burnout recovery
  • The journey is to become your own therapist
  • The symptoms of burnout that therapy really gets to the root of
  • How long does it take to see some relief with hypnotherapy?
  • How your brain can begin to rewire and fire with hypnotherapy: The Power of Neuroplasticity
  • A quick win exercise to calm your nervous system right now
  • Advice for finding the right therapist or practitioner for you








The Resilient Teacher Podcast is the show that will give overwhelmed educators the support, tools, and mindset to reduce teacher burnout and keep teaching sustainable. Each week, Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed. & her guests will share inspiration and actionable steps to avoid or recover from the dreaded teacher burnout. You'll be inspired to individualize self-care and learn to prioritize your well-being and mental health, all while making a bigger impact on your classrooms and community.



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