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Teacher Pep Talk: 4 Teacher Burnout Habits NOT to Bring into 2023 (Ep. 32)

Dec 27, 2022

Every new year, teachers (people, in general) want to change EVERYTHING. They want to make a list of goals or new years resolutions so that they can be better than ever before. Am I right? What if I told you that teachers have some pretty surprising habits that are leading to burnout.

And no, I'm not telling you to set a resolution to lose 30 pounds before summer. I am all about sustainability here, so I'm not telling you to set unrealistic expectations on yourself. Instead, in this episode, I am chatting about the four major teacher burnout habits NOT to bring into 2023. And Number Four is a REAL doozy!

These pep talk style episodes are my attempt to create a more authentic way for you to connect with me, for you to feel like you have support on your hardest days (even if and ESPECIALLY if you don't have that in your community or schools).   I also created this style in an effort to show you that you are not alone.  We are in this together and YOU ARE a RESILIENT TEACHER!



  • Teacher Community Shout Out of the Week
  • The thing everyone wants to do when there is a New Year
  • The Four Burnout Habits Teachers Need to Leave Behind in 2023
  • Setting Authentic Boundaries to Bust through Habit #1
  • Cognitive Distortions and 3 Exercises to Use to Break this Habit
  • How isolation impacts teacher burnout
  • How to break the habit of isolation during burnout phases
  • The biggest habit or trend to stop participating in 2023
  • The brain science behind why this doesn't work
  • What to do instead
  • Join us inside the FREE Resilient Teacher Community on Facebook where each month I go live to answer questions
  • FREE Vision Party Workshop in The Resilient Teacher Community - December 29th at 9 pm est







The Resilient Teacher Podcast is the show that will give overwhelmed educators the support, tools, and mindset to reduce teacher burnout and keep teaching sustainable. Each week, Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed. & her guests will share inspiration and actionable steps to avoid or recover from the dreaded teacher burnout. You'll be inspired to individualize self-care and learn to prioritize your well-being and mental health, all while making a bigger impact on your classrooms and community. 


Are you subscribed to the podcast?  If not, I encourage you to do that NOW so you never miss another episode!  New episodes are added every Tuesday, and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance you might miss out on notifications that a new episode has gone live.  Click here to subscribe on iTunes

And if you are feeling extra amazing, I would be super grateful if you would leave a review on iTunes, too!  Those reviews help other educators who are burned out and needing support find the podcast, and I love shouting you out on the Community Reviewer of the Week Segment!  Just click here to review, select "Ratings & Reviews" and "Write a Review" and share what you are loving about the podcast!  

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