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A Powerful Antidote to Teacher Burnout with Special Guest Lisa Baylis (Ep. 27)

Nov 22, 2022

Have you ever made a mistake in teaching and all of a sudden you're saying "I'm just not good at this" or judging yourself pretty harshly? I know I have and if you are anything like me, you may not have even realized that these limiting beliefs and negative self-talk can really start to accumulate over time leading to the dreaded teacher burnout.

According to multiple studies, mindfulness and self-compassion are associated with lower rates of stress and burnout. However, if you are not familiar with intentionally being self-compassionate or mindfulness, you may not yield these same results.

This is why it is important to know how self-compassion really looks, how this relates to mindfulness, and empathy; all of which are much needed in order to foster a positive environment in your classrooms and in your mental health. In this episode, Lisa Baylis shares with us the basics of self-compassion, how this actually works in our brains and nervous systems, as well as the three components of practicing self-compassion.

Lisa Baylis has been sharing well-being strategies for the last 20 years. A natural-born connector with an innate ability to make people feel valued and heard, she is a teacher, a counsellor, a facilitator, and a mother. Lisa is a published author of "Self-Compassion for Educators" as well as, the creator of the AWE Method — Awakening the Wellbeing for Educators — which merges self-care, mindfulness, and self-compassion.

If you are ready to Break the Teacher Burnout Cycle, let me invite you to my FREE Break the Burnout Cycle Webinar and share with you the 6 SIMPLE steps to surviving and thriving before winter break. When you attend you will walk away with the official Break the Burnout Cycle Guide, a one hour PD credit you can provide to your district for continuing education credits, and an entry to an Amazon gift card giveaway. This event is completely FREE and I want to share with you the steps you can take so that you can get unstuck and reignite your passion again.


  • Resilient Teacher Shoutout
  • Lisa's Road to supporting educators
  • The correlation between student and teacher wellness
  • Why Self-Compassion is such a foundational practice for educators
  • The Power of Co-Regulation
  • How to Determine if You Need Better Self-Compassion Practices
  • What is the "compassionate voice?"
  • The Difference Between Self-Compassion & Mindfulness
  • The 3 Components of Self-Compassion Practice
  • How is self-compassion different than the empathy we show our students?
  • The brain science about how empathy and compassion work together
  • The formula for self-compassion that you can begin TODAY
  • The STOP frame work for giving yourself permission to notice
  • Free Self-Compassion Practices from Lisa
  • How you can connect with Lisa








The Resilient Teacher Podcast is the show that will give overwhelmed educators the support, tools, and mindset to reduce teacher burnout and keep teaching sustainable. Each week, Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed. & her guests will share inspiration and actionable steps to avoid or recover from the dreaded teacher burnout. You'll be inspired to individualize self-care and learn to prioritize your well-being and mental health, all while making a bigger impact on your classrooms and community.



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