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Reclaiming Passion for Teaching in the Midst of Burnout & Breakdown with Chad Pettit (Ep. 25)

Nov 08, 2022

Being in the throws of teacher burnout and mental breakdown can have you feeling alone. Like you're on a hamster wheel of stress and anxiety. Exhaustion. Like it's just not worth it to continue in this field any more regardless of how much you love it. Teachers lose their identity to fit the mold of a "perfect" teacher. But what if there was a way to reignite and reclaim that passion? 

In this episode, we are talking with Chad Pettit who is one of the "popular kids" on Teacher Tiktok, as he get vulnerable with us in this interview how he dealt with a complete mental breakdown during his road to "fame", reclaimed his passion for teaching, and shares with us how other teachers can reclaim their passion as well to sustain their careers in education.

Chad Pettit is a high school English teacher and teacher consultant for the Central Texas Writing Project. He's passionate about education and helping teachers avoid burnout by coaching them through effective pedagogical strategies and encouraging them to reclaim their passion. He's published author and poet, and he has a master's degree in rhetoric and composition.


  • Resilient Teacher Shoutout
  • Chad's Tiktok Road to Fame & Mental Breakdown
  • What does reigniting passion look like?
  • 3 Simple Steps to Take Towards Reclaiming Your Passion
  • Chad's unique perspective on "getting it all done" and "time management" for teachers
  • Chad's go-to way to boost his mood & care for himself
  • How we can keep high-quality educators in the field long-term
  • Chad's biggest advice for teachers who are struggling to prioritize themselves & make the change needed
  • Connecting with Chad further & reclaiming education
  • The true path to reclaiming your passion is in this one essential process








The Resilient Teacher Podcast is the show that will give overwhelmed educators the support, tools, and mindset to reduce teacher burnout and keep teaching sustainable. Each week, Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed. & her guests will share inspiration and actionable steps to avoid or recover from the dreaded teacher burnout. You'll be inspired to individualize self-care and learn to prioritize your well-being and mental health, all while making a bigger impact on your classrooms and community.



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