Grab your FREE Ticket to the Summer Self-Care Conference

Administrator Letter of Request

May 01, 2022


Now more than ever, teachers are leaving education due citing burnout and overwork as significant factors. As you know, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is imperative to avoiding burnout. I’m always searching for professional development opportunities that will help me grow as an educator, employee, and individual. 

With that said, I have a great interest in Brittany Blackwell M.Ed's Automate Your Classroom professional development program. This program offers 6 modules of step-by-step guidance, technology support, and group coaching to help teachers be more intentional and effective with their time both in and out of the classroom through using a system for automation.

There could not be a better time to offer this PD opportunity. Not only is the program geared toward achieving a better work-life balance, but it offers training in the areas of data organization, task prioritization, time management, lesson planning, parent communication, tech integration, and more. 

While teachers constantly work to elevate their subject matter expertise, this is an area of development I know many, including myself, would greatly benefit from. You can learn more about the program and all it offers teachers by clicking here. 

If we have school funding available, I’d be grateful for consideration of this incredible program. However, I’ve outlined the following for your convenience: 

  • Investment: The one-time payment of $197 per teacher grants them access to the program, including all of its resources, for life. There is also a discount offered for schools requesting access codes for 30 or more teachers. I already know [INSERT NUMBER] teachers would be interested in this offer, and I’m sure many more would join upon learning about the opportunity. 
  • Certification: Completion of the course comes with industry-recognized certification, verifying up to 18 CEUs

I know teacher well-being and retention is an utmost priority in this district and appreciate you taking the time to consider this highly valuable opportunity. 









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