Missing Assignment Google Form to Automatic Email Template

Your Go-To for Teacher Communication Simplification is in this Google Form to Automatic E-mail Guide

This digital resource is the most transformative way to start simplifying and automating communication with your students & parents!

Are you ready to ditch your overwhelming teacher tasks once
and for all? 👇🏼

Get Your Missing Assignment Form & Auto Email Resource NOW!

If burnout, overwhelm, and exhaustion are your norm, I’ve got good news for you: that is not how teachers were meant to live. It’s time for you to start incorporating automations to help ease the load.

But this isn’t just some far fetched teacher automation hack that stresses you out and feels impossible to actually implement. Using the Missing Assignment Google Form & Auto E-mail system gives you back the time and energy you need to manage your classroom and communication needs.


xSpending extra time writing e-mails to multiple parents and typing long drawn out e-mails.

xFeeling anxious when your head hits the pillow at night because of how many parents and students you need to contact about missing assignments

xFeeling stressed out because so many students have missing assignments and you don't know how you'll ever get them caught up

xLiving the hamster wheel life - constantly busy with tedious tasks but never getting done.

xFeeling guilty that your loved ones get the leftover crumbs of your time and energy and that your students aren't getting the best of you

I need this time saving resource!


Waking up every day with a plan - knowing that your students and their parents have a way to receive communication about any missing assignments.

Feeling confident that your students have a method to know which assignments are missing and are likely to turn them in.

Feeling free from the heavy burden of your long daily to-do list and the chains of writing multiple e-mails.

Ending your days feeling proud of what you accomplished and winding down peacefully with your loved ones, knowing you've given your students everything they need to be successful. 

Inside the The Missing Assignment Simplifier, you get:

Video Tutorial

on initial set up, which includes step-by-step process of setup of the google form in order to use it seamlessly for your classroom & how to use AutoCrat add-on.

PDF Template

that will automatically send to parents and students outlining their weekly missing assignments/weekly grades.

Pre-created Google Form

that will autopopulate into the PDF template once the initial set up is complete.

I need this NOW!

See why THOUSANDS of educators use this in their classrooms!


I'm ready to purchase & start simplifying!

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